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I often ask client's if they can delegate work to other's. At work this includes Colleagues, Assistants, Volunteers, and Interns. What about at home? Do you ask your kids to help out; what about your spouse?
We taught our daughter, Jessica, to do her own laundry around age 11 and we are currently teaching her brother to do his. Connor is 11 years old. I had a friend negatively comment about Jessica doing her own laundry when she was in High response, "she is going to college in a couple of years and she needs to be self-sufficient and independent." My husband and I were shocked by her comment. Jessica, is thriving in College, however she knows kids that are struggling because their parents did everything for them. Children need to have some independence and responsibility. In addition to laundry we have our kids clean up after dinner once a week and help with basic housework. We have not given allowance on a regular basis, but our kids get everything they need and a lot of what they want. I heard a story on NPR this morning that I just searched for it but can't locate it. It talked about kids and chores and how families typically give more chores to girls than to boys. Well, I think this has to change. My husband does lots of chores and I certainly hope my daughter marries a man who will do lots of chores too. Thanks for reading. I would love to hear what you think. Comment, if you like. Adele Tusson-Gross Here is one resource that might help. Here is a link to a chore calendar that I created for my son. Adele Tusson-Gross Chief Executive Organizer
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